Company profile

Since 2012 TIMBERFARM has been spinning its lianas in the rubber industry. With several forms of company, it participates significantly in the production process of rubber and latex materials worldwide, in the cultivation of rubber trees and in rubber recycling. The company was founded by the Breidenstein family of Düsseldorf entrepreneurs, who have been active in the tire trade and rubber industry for almost fifty years. In addition to Germany, where the company’s headquarters are located, TIMBERFARM GmbH is active as a producer and trader of rubber in Panama and other countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa.
The company’s own investment PANARUBBER (suitcase word from the main cultivation area Panama and the English term for rubber) was launched for the fourth time in 2020. In addition to private investors, investors are increasingly representatives of big business.
TIMBERFARM GmbH usually produces headlines about events such as trade fairs, events organized by the FNG (Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen) and statements on the situation in the national and international rubber and tire industry.
Managing Director of TIMBERFARM GmbH and also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TIMBERFARM Assets AG is Maximilian Breidenstein.

Düsseldorf entrepreneur Maximilian Breidenstein
Maximilian Breidenstein is the managing partner of TIMBERFARM GmbH. Due to his five years as a member of the board of directors, he has been able to gain a wealth of experience, also due to personal trips to Panama. Learn more about the company, founded in 2012, and its profile.
Maximilian Breidenstein is also CEO of Timberfarm-Verwaltungs-GmbH. It was founded in 2016 as a 100% subsidiary of TIMBERFARM GmbH. Its core competencies are the management of rubber plantations and rubber plantation companies. The basic idea behind the business diversification is to create an interface between the rubber market and institutional investors.
Maximilian Breidenstein was born in Düsseldorf as a native Rhinelander. He has remained loyal to the Rhineland and the tradition of his family to this day. His parents were in the tire retail and wholesale business, and Mr. Breidenstein’s investment idea took up the family’s 50 years of experience. In addition to his work as Managing Director of Timberfarm GmbH, Maximilian Breidenstein is the author of various articles on kautschuk.de and is involved in the German Rubber Society, the International Rubber Study Group, the Initiative for Sustainable Natural Rubber, the Association for Fair Rubber Trade, the Sachwertverband and the FNG – Forum nachhaltige Geldanlagen.

The PANARUBBER Investment
Divided field – is double joy. Companies with a success story such as TIMBERFARM bring other parties on board to help hold and expand their own assets. Since 2016, TIMBERFARM GmbH has been offering an asset participation with the PANARUBBER program. From an investment value of 4250 Euro (or a multiple thereof) the company offers individual stocks of rubber trees or entire rubber plantations.
TIMBERFARM GmbH takes over the care, maintenance and utilization of rubber and rubber wood. The term of the Panarubber investments is not limited, but the plan is based on a five-year growth period of the trees until harvest (or 45 cm trunk circumference) and a 15-year rotation period in total.
Rubber Trade

TIMBERFARM Asset AG (abbreviation TFA) takes over the operational management and responsibility for the entire rubber production in Panama and parts of Africa. The land on which the rubber production is operated (TIMBERFARM-PANARUBBER rubber plantations in Latin America and Africa, currently mainly Panama and Ivory Coast) will also be gradually concentrated in the TFA. One major factor in this process is the 82 kilometer long Panama Canal (see figure).
GloReg (completely: Global & Regional Sourcing and Trading) is the internationally active TIMBERFARM raw materials department, which was established in mid-2018 and has since then ensured a growing and successful raw materials trading business with a top-class and experienced team of traders.
The raw materials traded by GloReg primarily comprise the entire range of raw and standardized rubber raw materials from Panama, Asia and parts of Africa. A large proportion of the goods purchased originate from African production countries, especially the Ivory Coast, and are sold to Asian and Latin American (Panama) rubber factories which are no longer able to meet the demand for processed rubber products from the processing industry, especially the tire and automotive industries, with locally grown natural rubber.
The demanding but extremely lucrative trading business is capital-intensive. In order to be able to make the best possible use of the prospects that present themselves, TIMBERFARM GmbH is planning to invest up to EUR 50 million in the medium term, which will allow trading turnover of up to EUR 500 million per year. Financing will be secured by the company with its own funds, as well as through the indirect participation of investors via bonds (bearer bonds).
Visit more information about TIMBERFARM on the Internet:
Facebook: facebook.com/Timberfarm/
LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/company/timberfarm-gmbh
STERN: companies.stern.com/timberfarm-gmbh.html
Frankfurter Rundschau: partner.fr.de//timberfarm-gmbh.html
FOCUS: focus.de/timberfarm.html
N-TV: https://firmen.n-tv.de/timberfarm-gmbh.html
trade journal: handelsblatt.com/timberfarm-gmbh.html
Jobs: Kununu experience
Recommendation for PANARUBBER 19: Clever investment from Timberfarm
homepage: Timberfarm Homepage
Timberfarm GmbH: Timberfarm GmbH Homepage
Trustedshops: Timberfarm Reviews
Fonds Discount News: „Kautschuk ist ein unersetzlicher Werkstoff“
Ausgezeichnet.org: Timberfarm Reviews